
Illustrative Works

Timuel D. Black Edible Arts Garden

Conceptualized, designed, and planted the Timuel D. Black Edible Arts Garden at the 5710 S. Woodlawn Building on the University of Chicago campus, 2010. The garden, the first permanent edible plants garden on campus, features the first “Land Acknowledgement” plaque on campus, recognizing the claims of Native Americans to the Chicago area and reflecting a collaboration with Chicago’s American Indian Center. The garden was one of the projects of the Partnering for a Sustainable Chicago Initiative, which won the 2009 Champion of Sustainability in Communities award from the Sustainable Endowments Institute. This project is now proceeding in collaboration with the UChicago Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture, the Center for Identity and Inclusion, and the Dept. of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity.

Timuel D. Black's Typical Life

"Timuel D. Black's Typical Life"--an exhibition/display commissioned by Timuel D. Black and featuring awards, letters, texts, and memorabilia illustrating his life and work.  This artwork was unveiled at the School of Social Service Administration library on June 8, 2019, and it remains on permanent display in that space.

Angela Orokoh, Uncompromised

Supported the work of the 2022-23 Timuel D. Black Solidarity Scholar, Angela Orokoh, to locate materials and resources for her exhibition on the life of Timuel D. Black at the Bronzeville Historical Society, December 7, 2022.

New York Times obituary

Photographs featured in the New York Times obituary for Timuel D. Black by Alex Traub (October 17, 2021) and the Chicago History special tribute to the life and legacy of Timuel D. Black (Chicago: Chicago Historical Society, Spring 2022).  And my photographs and illustrations have regularly appeared in the educational and public-facing materials of the UChicago Civic Knowledge Project.

John Preus's The Beast

Collaborated with Chicago artist John Preus on the 2014 programming in connection with his Hyde Park Art Center exhibition “The Beast.” Programming at “The Beast” included the Colin Ward Memorial Potlucks, a public discussion with Preus and Simon Critchley (Chair of the Philosophy Dept. at the New School for Social Research and editor of “The Stone”) “On Disappointment”, and a public discussion with Preus and W. J. T. Mitchell (Gaylord Donnelly Distinguished Service Professor of English Literature and Art at the University of Chicago and editor of Critical Inquiry), “Of Images and Animals.”  Read more.


Collaborated with the RainbowPUSH coalition and John Preus and the Rebuild Foundation to research and plan the replication of iconic structures associated with the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign and Resurrection City.  The Rebuild Foundation, under the direction of John Preus, built the structures, which were displayed at the Chicago headquarters of the RainbowPUSH coalition, 930 E. 50th St., Chicago. Contributed images and text for "King the Occupier" themed RainbowPUSH MLK Scholarship Breakfast, January 16, 2012.

CKP Remembers

Created and directed, with the Chicago Media Initiatives group, several documentaries on Bronzeville history, including "The Civic Knowledge Project Remembers 1942-43", featuring interviews and site visits with the surviving co-founders of the Congress of Racial Equality, CORE, and an extensive interview with Chicago’s legendary 5th Ward Alderman, "Leon Despres at 100".